Thanks to everyone who voted, which was almost everyone, including two of our new owners! Huzzah!
Proposal One: Remove the GS limit for any pitcher with at least 1 GS in the MLB regular season, subject to a 35 GS cap (unless a pitcher has more than 35 GS in which case they get their actual GS. (Discussed by several people, submitted by me)
This proposal passed 14-4. Thanks to everyone for making my and Eric's jobs a little bit easier!
Proposal Two: Change playoff usage restrictions for pitchers as follows (From Rick and Eric)
IP per Playoff Series Based on Actual MLB IP
25-44 = 4
45-64 = 6
65-84 = 8
85-104 = 10
105-124 = 12
125+ = Unlimited
This proposal received near-universal support, passing 17-0 with 1 abstention!
Proposal Three: Change regular-season roster cap to 32 cards plus up to 3 "little a" players from up to 30 cards plus up to 5 "little a" players.
This proposal passes 13-4 with 1 abstention.
Proposal Four: Allow changes to ballpark dimensions up to +/- 3.
This was the one proposal to fail, going down 6-12, apparently because most of the league thinks that there is some kind of nefarious magic that Trav and/or others could use their advantage? I guess it's more realistic to have 6 teams playing in Toronto. Or am I just editorializing now?