CM and instructions for series are due within 48 hours of the posting of league stats from previous series. GM who needs or wants to play a series early may give commissioner and road GM 7 days' notice of intent to play series early and must allow road GM 72 hours to send instructions.
Interesting and I have no objections, but you might want to split this into 2 proposals. I have a hunch that people might be more willing to support the first part than the second. Of course, I could be wrong.
I would like to vote for this rule. This time of year I spend a lot of time out of town each week. I am a select baseball coach. I will be all over Texas and even a week in Atlanta in the biggest turny for HS players, ( Baseball America). Which I would like to add that last year we finished 3rd out of 103 teams that where all hand picked as the best teams in the nation. Plus to add all of your pitchers started and finished every game and in 7 inns. they ave. only 80 pitches per outing.
Please clarify why tou think the rule is needed. We already a have schedule that has series end and begin dates. Any manager can start the series without instructions from the visiting manager. I have known some managers so eager to play that they started playing on midnight of the day the series starts without instructions. I tend to give managers a day or so past the scheduled start date, and will even email asking if they intend to send instructions or not.
I am guessing you are asking for this rule so that you are not required to send instructions without having the updated league stats for player usage. That would be the only advantage to the schedule we already have in place. If that is the reasoning then how do you plan to handle the situation where a manager does not report on time. If I am the visiting team and the home team is late reporting then I am at a disadvantage to the rest of the league that has updated info. Can I request an extension on my instructions from YOC until I get updated info? What if the home team plays the games w/o waiting for my instructions? Maybe these situations could be written into the proposal.
Just asking for clarification on why the rule is being proposed. Maybe I am missing some other reason.
i have a team manhatten that is very tight in usage...i need to get league stats before i send out instructions and cm.....i think we should be targeting on GETTING THE GAMES ON TIME
1) Give every GM a chance to load latest league stats and examine both his and his opponent's usages before submitting lineups, CM adjustments, and special instructions.
2) Give a GM that did not have his previous road series played a window (probably about 72 hours) to play that road series himself, if he so wishes, and have his stats current before sending instructions for next road series.
3) Give GMs the ability to request early instructions in case of need. The bulk of the season is played during the summer, after all. I suspect most of us will have some kind of advance scheduled travel.