The mark of a great leader is one who leaves their folks empowered... I'm loving how we're all sort of moving through the off season without guidance (I vote 'yay' on the current leadership staying in place, and also, I look forward to the start of trade season so I can ratify the ~6 deals I've done).
One thing I wanted to throw out was a one week moratorium on series being played in favor of a trade deadline.
For simplicity's sake, I'd suggest teams can go from 32 players on their major league roster to 35 at this particular juncture, while minor leagues can also grow up to 35 players (i.e. it is possible to trade a relief pitcher on the major league roster for a minor leaguer on another roster), but no team can carry more than 60 players in total (and if you cut a player, he ends up in the Free Agent auction if he'd finish the season carded, and minor league draft if not).
A mid-season trade period was added to AYURL and it has been, I think, a big success.
I support this idea.
The only restrictions -- which make sense to protect against dumping and changing ownership -- is that (1) rosters must be complete at the end of the trade and (2) no trading future considerations (like draft picks or $). I leave to smarter folks to see how this might affect money -- would salaries be allocated 50% to each team and trades could only be made if the team could take on the salary?
For salary purposes, I had sort of envisioned dollars remaining with the original teams (just like we do for the second trade period), with the goal of making it as simple as possible.