After a long and difficult search process, Surprise finally landed the missing piece of their 2016 roster puzzle...Andrew Romine! No, really! As part of the deal, they once again shipped off Cliff Pennington, who apparently won't get the opportunity to win a 3rd championship with Surprise after all. Thanks for your valuable contributions and good luck!
Oh anyway here's what it took to get the great Andrew Romine from Redwood. In exchange, Surprise sends Cliff Pennington, Felix Jorge, SUR waiver picks #1-4, and a paper sack with $27K in small and unmarked bills.
Rumors suggest that Redwood is trying to unload a few unwanted toys for spare change or maybe prospects. Can you find it in your heart to provide a new home to someone like Ike Davis, Micah Johnson, Brett Oberholtzer, or Steve Delabar? If so, please let Rick know!