I think now is the time to decide if we are going to stay with strat or move to the other game. I have not seen it and I will defer to those who have. I just think now is the time to make a decision. Those of you who have seen the diamond mind game could please post your pros/cons of each game so those of us who have not viewed it can make an informed decision.
Since several members have not received the game yet, I am not intending on asking for a vote. I don't know anyone else who is inclined to ask for us to change this year. I would still ask for the comments about the good and bad points about the game for forwarding to the Diamond Mind people. They were very cooperative and deserve some feedback.
Sorry, that should have read, I don't intend to ask for a vote "this year." DM people permitted us to circulate the disk on my representation that a member of our league proposed switching games from Strat and I wanted league members to examine the game first. When everyone has examined the game, I feel obligated to ask for a vote (even if I vote to stay with Strat, so please don't give me grief if I propose something that goes does unanimously). If that does not happen until after the deadline for rules proposals, I would think it could only affect 2007 and beyond.
Well, I only played DM for a couple hours, but my take is that DM is not as compatible with our kind of league as strat. A big difference in the games is the way basestealing and attempting to take an extra base on a hit, etc. is handled.
Strat calculates a probability of being safe and asks if you want to try it.
DM doesn't give you a probability- it says the OF arm is strong, average, weak etc., it tells you the runner is fast or average, etc., but it doesn't boil that down to a probability.
Some say DM is more realistic. I don't agree. It would be realistic if it was an arcade-style thing where you were watching the play- you could see how good a jump the runner got, how good an angle the outfielder has on the ball, etc., and you know how good the outfielder and runner are and then you had to make a judgment call. But neither game is like that.
Strat takes everything the 3B coach would see and know and boils that down to a probability, which is pretty much what the real 3B coach is trying to do, and it tells you the probability so you can make a decision. DM more or less makes you guess the probability from a couple of subjective words like "good" and "average," and I know what I think those words mean but what does the program think they mean, exactly?
As a home manager, I like the strat approach better, but I'm fairly mellow.
As a road manager, I think strat is MUCH better. In strat you can program Super-Hal baserunning with the probabilities. As far as I can tell, DM has nothing like that. So, I think the road team, which is already disadvantaged in our league, would be further disadvantaged by the change.
Frankly, I wish I'd liked DM a little more than I did, because I don't think much of the customer "service" at strat and I'd rather send my money to the DM people. But I think we're getting a better product from strat. At least better for us, with our play that isn't face to face.